Monday, 16 September 2013

Big Sur by John Kerouac

I am a Kerouac fan, so I may be a tad biased here.  I think this is an interesting look into Jack's mind -- it greatly shows his addiction and sliding mental state.  He was a literary genius who showed his true colours in a way many people would be afraid to divulge.
In this day and age of over sharing of one's successes or embarrassing moments, Kerouac was a pioneer of telling a tale of inner struggle and turmoil.  He is not self indulgent, and being true to his self a tad manic at times. It is an intriguing read that allows you to feel what Kerouac was feeling at this particular time in his life.
It is a quintessential read for Kerouac fans, and if you are a first timer, start with On the Road.

Eat to Live- Joel Fuhrman M.D.

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This is an interesting read, though I have to admit I skipped a lot of chapters because I am a vegan.  The premise is good, however the delivery is a tad over the top. Yes it is important to eat your fruits and vegetables, however I do think some of the things he says in the book are perhaps sensational. I haven't done the program, but I had tried to eat more vegetables at every meal. Making it a priority to make vegetables and fruit the main component of each meal is a great lesson to take away from this book, though it is preachy at times.  All in all a great resource of people looking to learn more about nutrition and how change their diets for the better.  The recipes sometimes need a bit of interpretation and an experienced cook, as it lack basic instructions in some cases.